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How AnswerNet BPO Complements AI With a Human Touch


AI can give a lot of answers, but it can never really listen. No matter how much technology advances, we’ll always need people who can comfort, communicate, and make us feel heard.

With smiles, sensitivity, and supportAnswerNet Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) can make your business feel human. Our 25+ years of experience across 30+ contact centers emboldens us to pioneer sales, care, and support programs across nearly every industry imaginable and guarantees us as your number one provider.

What’s AI to AnswerNet BPO?


In 1977, the president, chairman, and founder of the Digital Equipment Company said that “there is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.” After his company tanked 15 years later, he resigned.

Unlike naysayers, we recognize that AI is the future. But while AI will transform the world someday, today we’ll explain how AnswerNet BPO is the premier service to provide emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and complex communication right now.

Emotionally Intelligent Agents


When you sign on as an AnswerNet BPO partner, you gain an extension of yourself. Our agents undergo extensive training on not only your company’s product and services but also your culture.

After reviewing the emotional core of your company, every AnswerNet agent will mirror your values, integrity, and humanity. Their confidence, commitment, and interpersonal intelligence dwarfs the latest advancements in AI.

Human Problem-Solving

AI can’t make a sale, but our agents can. When you sign on with AnswerNet BPO, our people reach out to prospects on your behalf to generate sales leads, handle your calls, and sell your product.

Moreover, unlike AI, we can easily scale to your needs. Whether you represent a small business, a mid-sized organization, or a large company, we’ll craft a winning combination of our myriad call center services to ensure you grow.

Person-to-Person Communication

AnswerNet agents understand that our flaws make us human and connect to your customers at their level. While AI can pump out a list of instructions, tech support service necessitates an empathy and understanding that only AnswerNet agents can bring.

Our omni-channel communication matches all your customers’ communication preferences including text, email, live calls, live chat, and more. There’s not a one-size-fits-all approach to communicating with your customers, and our agents will adapt in ways AI can’t.

How AnswerNet BPO Integrates AI

Harvard Business School professor Karim Lakhani explains, “AI won’t replace humans, but humans with AI will replace humans without.” We’re determined to advance our industry by integrating select AI capability into our AnswerNet BPO.

We invest primarily in three high-impact areas of AI focus:

  1. Quality analytics, sentiment analysis, and business intelligence;
  2. Workflow automation, channel bot optimation (voice, chat, SMS, email, etc.) and integrated self-service; and 
  3. Real-time live assistance (sometimes referred to as “agent assist.”)

We’ll Help You Understand AI

Because most of our clients are still debating how and when they will incorporate AI into their businesses, we work as partners to lay out technology roadmaps and test solution enhancements. 

No two client needs are alike, though all deployed solutions are built for resilience, personalization, security, economy, and scalability. 

Our clients that haven’t previously deployed AI-driven applications highly value pre-launch and live environment split testing in order to develop a common language for our collaborations. Working with our clients to develop solutions that build deeper human connections reminds us that we can leverage these powerful tools not to erase, but to bolster our shared humanity. 

Embrace Humanity With AnswerNet BPO

The critical step of providing business process outsourcing services can be met and exceeded with AnswerNet expertise. We’ve done the research, trained the experts, and optimized the technology to be the most human BPO provider available today.

If you want to help humanity and boost your business through a BPO service you can trust, reach out here or click the button below to get in contact.