Let’s take a trip across North America to visit our sites and find out what’s going on in
their neck of the woods!

Akron, OH
We’re all one big family. We challenge everyone, from the top down, to come in every day ready to rock out anything they’re working on. We all provide the best customer experience we can by using a “make your smile contagious” mentality. Here, we face all challenges together with an open door (or ZOOM) policy. We also know to share a good laugh!

Allentown, PA
We’re still going strong here at the Allentown site. In fact, we’re growing! Since March, we’ve added six new agents to the Allentown team who already fit right in to our close-knit family. We’re also really excited about all of the renovations now underway in our office!

Atlanta (Marrow), GA
We’re so excited for you to hear about what’s been happening at our site! We now have a group of dedicated agents working for a large healthcare account which has made things so invigorating! We’ve also implemented an “Employee of the Month” contest to boost morale and keep our team motivated to keep up the great work!

Billerica, MA
Here in Billerica, we’re very excited to be onboarding a few new clients and working to restructure our team! Although the site itself is “empty” right now, we do have some staff that come in from time to time. We’ve also been conducting some one-on-one time for additional development.

Billings, MT
We’re mostly remote these days. But, with several agents working remotely right here in Billings, it’s easy for us to get together in person. We do have several fun challenges each month, including “Who Can Have the Best QEval?” and “Lowest Pause Time.” We strive daily to surpass our team’s expectations, and management’s “door is always open” as a safe space for our agents to freely speak their minds.

“The Triad” is proud of becoming part of the Children’s Miracle Network team, as well as reaching a dedicated service model for Georgia Aquarium. We’ve also taken on five new accounts since March. We’ve instituted an “Employee of the Month” program to nominate and reward agents based on daily attendance and agent performance.

Columbus, OH
The Columbus team really enjoys the flexibility of working from the comfort of our homes. ZOOM and Google Meets have become a part of our daily routine. We have an amazing team and everyone tries to make the best of any given situation. We support one another through hard times, and send silly memes in the chat to give each other a good laugh.

El Paso, TX
Things have been a bit quiet at the site itself since most of our staff works remotely from home. But we’ve been able to maintain a relationship as a cohesive team and continue to be in constant communication about work-related matters, and to just keep up with each other. We’re still a tight team and we continue to stay strong!

Hackensack, NJ
The Hackensack team is really excited about switching to VCC this month and are anxious to begin our training on this new program. Because all of our employees dispatch their own calls, we are proud to be such a great asset to the Ansercomm team!

Halifax, Canada
As a 24/7 bilingual operation that’s 100% remote, we were excited to become part of the AnswerNet family in 2021! We’re a well-versed group able to handle Inbound / Outbound calls, chats, emails… you name it. We’ve been extremely busy over the last few months servicing many nonprofit accounts, including many calls regarding the crisis in Ukraine.

Hays, KS
We’re mostly remote here in Hays, with a few agents and management staff working on-site. For those who do come into the office, we’ve made a snack bar area where they can relax on their breaks. For our agents’ annual reviews, we now send along a goodie-bag to further show them our appreciation for their great work and dedication to AnswerNet!

Irwindale/Irvine, CA (ECC)
Irwindale/Irvine currently answers for eleven CCA’s, with 100%-dedicated customer service lines for community choice aggregators. There are 36 of us, 34 working from home and 2 who are on-site. With constant communication and unending “white-glove” support, our amazing team is among the best you will find!

Lowell, MA
April was self-care month for us, we even sent all agents a care-box of goodies! Since our agents are remote and span across the U.S., we wanted to thank them for their terrific work. We’re steadily growing, adding more members to our team from all walks of life. A silver lining to the Covid cloud has been meeting all the great people we know now. We wish you all good health – from our blooming site to yours!

Memphis, TN
We take care of our wonderful clients and ride the wave until the next crazy storm (we’ve had some outrageous weather here lately)! While we’ve acclimated very well to working from home, some of our local agents pop in to the office from time to time to keep cabin fever from turning them into a “Dateline” special. Together, we’ve been working to create our new normal. Covid created a need for a place to communicate – so the “Team Memphis” website was born!

North Lauderdale, FL
We would like to take this opportunity to mourn the loss of our dear colleague Joanne Greene who recently passed away. She was a hardworking, passionate woman who loved the call center business. She was like family to all of the accounts in Lauderdale; most of them even had her cell number. Her dedication and spit-fire personality are irreplaceable.
We will miss you, Joanne.

Orlando, FL
Team Orlando is certainly keeping busy (and having a great time) supporting Georgia Aquarium’s initiatives. We’re also welcoming new clients and staying focused to ensure we receive our next AOE award! We’ve been actively hiring have implemented an “Employee of the Month” program as an incentive for the agent with the highest KPI. And you can’t beat our monthly pot-lucks!

Phoenix, AZ (AES)
Hello from sunny Phoenix! Our AES team is staying busy handling inbound university calls (from application to enrollment), while other team members focus on outbound retention and reengagement. We keep each other motivated with group chats, friendly competitions, and overall accolades from management. We also publish our own monthly newsletter to highlight the top performers and share tips on how to keep reaching our goals.

Pittsburg/Santa Rosa (ECC)
Our group has a shared goal – to offer great customer service to our clients. Currently, the majority of our agents work from home and we certainly do miss our in-person celebrations! But we stay connected with lively group chats and virtual meetings. Although we can’t do lunches and potlucks right now, we regularly send gift cards to our agents to remind them of our appreciation for their hard work. We continue to thrive as a close-knit team!

Portland, OR
The spring refresh has sprung at the Portland site! Change is afoot! We recently signed a new lease and the master negotiator himself; David Murzda, secured a complete repainting of our office with the property management. It was not only a major transformation, but a much needed one. The painters did a great job and we’re looking forward to the next phases of the renovation!

San Diego, CA
Our site was created last year to answer calls for San Diego Community Power. We hired our first 10 agents in October and have grown exponentially in the last 5 months. We now have an Assistant GM, 2 supervisors, one QA, 25 active agents –with 10 more finishing up training. We stay engaged and active with jokes, talks about favorite coffee drinks, what shows we’re watching, and sharing our love for food!

Sarasota, FL
The Sarasota office is a glowing constellation – full of stars who want to shine! We come together as a unified team to always give it our all. We incorporate one of Gary Pudles’ favorite sayings into our culture: “Laughter is the best medicine.” We send each other uplifting quotes, and just generally show our appreciation for one another. On slow days we play trivia games that incorporate scripts and duties. Whoever wins gets bragging rights for the whole day!

Stockton, CA
To recognize our team and keep spirits high, we decorate desks on their special days (on our new workstation cubicles), give our remote agents friendly “shout-outs” during team chats, and everyone gets gift cards on their birthday. We now have a wall displaying our AEO awards, and post motivational quotes around the office to maintain a positive work environment. We also created a team “Good Times” channel full of inspirational sayings, fun pictures, and gifs.

Toronto, Canada
At AnswerNet TelePartners in Toronto, our approach to keeping our team gelled is no small feat. It it takes lots of coordination, focus, and dedication to the company and to each other. But it’s been working wonderfully! Being such a close-knit group as we are, we continue to stay strong, work closely together, and thrive as a team!

Waldoboro, ME
Waldoboro is really enjoying working remotely because of the flexibility it gives our agents. Although we do miss seeing each other’s smiling faces in person, our daily Google Meets and ZOOM calls are a great alternative – they keep us connected, strong, and motivated. We’d also like to give special recognition to Nicole Thomas for taking calls from home while recovering from Covid. What a dedicated trooper!

Webster City, IA
Here in Webster City, we continue to be a very close team. Every hour, we play games on site and even play trivia in our group chats to help lighten the mood and keep everyone feeling connected. We never miss an opportunity to decorate our building for a holiday or a season, and even hold fun costume & theme contests throughout the year. We certainly work hard, but we know how to have fun too!

Willow Grove, PA
Although there isn’t much going on here physically in Willow Grove these days, we do have plenty remote agent activity. In fact, about 99% of them are remote. We welcome new work and are always here to help other sites when they need us. We’re also very lucky to have so many talented agents who really enjoy working for our team and are eager to cross-train into different programs. We’re staying busy and connected, that’s for sure!

Winnipeg, Canada
We’re keeping busy and staying close here in Winnipeg. In fact, we hold two weekly remote agent meetings to make sure they can share any issues they may be having with the rest of us. Of course, we have ongoing in-person talks with agents who work in the office. We’d like to give a special shout out to our agents and recognize them for all their hard work! Our hats are off to you, Team Winnipeg!

Winnipeg (FineLine)
Winnipeg was thrilled to welcome the FineLine Team to join us in the Winnipeg office. We’d also like to give special thanks and recognition to Patricia Chester, who went above and beyond to make this transition a smooth one. Winnipeg is certainly buzzing with activity these days!