HR Corner

As we continue to adjust to a post-COVID world, and redefine life as we know it, we understand how important it is to prioritize our mental health and well-being. I’m no Gwyneth Paltrow, nor do I claim to be (probably for the best), but I do have some tips and tricks that help me focus on my mental well-being, and hopefully they can help you too!

Keep a Routine
Have you ever noticed how good it feels to have a sense of structure and normalcy in your day? Establishing a routine and sticking to it can help reduce stress and anxiety. Try to maintain as much normalcy as possible with your daily routine, even when things get busy at work.
Get a Good Night's Sleep
Sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-being. Be sure to get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night and try to establish a sleep routine that works best for you, and we promise no sheep were harmed in the creation of this message.
Go Outside!
Spending time outdoors can have numerous mental health benefits. Soaking up the sun can help increase your vitamin D levels, which is important for maintaining good mental health. Take a walk around the block, sit outside during your lunch break, or enjoy a hike on the weekend.
Stay Connected with Friends & Family
Staying in touch with others is crucial to our well-being. Even in times when it can seem overwhelming, socializing can reduce stress and improve our mood. Make time to connect with family and friends, whether it’s through a phone call, a chat over the fence, or a cup of coffee.
Don't Obsess Over the News!
While it’s important to stay informed about what’s going on in our community and around the world, obsessing over the news can increase stress and negatively impact our mental health. Consider checking for updates once or twice a day instead of monitoring the news all day.
Practice Positivity & Gratitude
Showing gratitude and staying upbeat can help shift your mindset from negative to positive. Take five minutes each day to write down the things you’re grateful for. Building time into your daily routine for these things to help improve your mindset and boost your overall mood.
Great job at taking the first steps to becoming a Zen Master!

Here are 2 BONUS TIPS from our very own Gary Pudles.
1) Breathe
This one-word piece of advice has been Gary’s refrain to employees who have felt overwhelmed over the years. We’ve all been there. So much to do and never enough time, so we frantically race through the day trying to keep all the balls we’re juggling in the air.
Regardless of the source of your stress, taking time to pause and BREATHE has is an important practice that will save you time – and sanity – in the end.
2) Use your PTO
As we enter spring, and with summer on the horizon, it’s important to plan (and request approval for) your paid time off. Gary encourages all his direct-reports (and all AnswerNet employees) to take the time off they’ve earned. Everyone needs a break. This is the key reason we discourage carrying over excessive time and do not allow cashing out your PTO.
Whether you travel to an exotic locale, take a road trip with friends, or plan a “Staycation” by yourself, it’s essential that we all get some time away from work to recharge.
We understand that implementing all of these practices can sometimes be challenging, but we want to remind you that prioritizing your mental well-being is crucial. At AnswerNet, we value our employees’ well-being and offer an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that provides access to free and confidential resources, including 24/7 phone consultations with licensed mental health professionals, self-care mobile apps, and health and wellness articles, guides, and webinars. If you’re a manager, please share this info with your team.
We hope that these resources will be helpful in supporting your mental health and well-being. If you have any questions or require further information on our EAP assistance program, please do not hesitate to contact