Welcome to the Spring issue!
Gary’s Goings-On

Hello, Everyone!
Late last year, my family welcomed Keegan Thomas Akbari to the world. His birth introduced Melanie and me to the amazing and wonderful “grandparents club.” Some of you may remember Keegan’s mom, Nicole, who worked as the Willow Grove receptionist for a few years. Becoming a grandparent for the first time really made me think about how much I have changed since starting the company 25 years ago this July 28th.
When we purchased the Allentown office, I was in my late 30s and thought people who were my current age were old. Now I look at myself in the mirror and I know that people my age are old LOL (I turned 60 last July)! More importantly, I think of the many lessons I have learned over the years and am grateful that all of you allow me to continue to learn and do new things both personally and professionally.
As we prepare for our quarter century anniversary and see what AnswerNet has accomplished, I think of all of the new goals we’re setting for our company’s future. As most of you know, my life is a series of set the goals, reach the goals, and make new goals.
Some of these goals are in the new “Painted Picture,” my documented and continually evolving vision for AnswerNet, now being developed along with the executive team.
Just know that none of AnswerNet’s achievements would be possible without you. I’m so thankful and humbled by all of you. Happy Spring!