Gary’s Goings-On
Giving your “Bucket List” some love
can help you stay positive!
Happy Summer All!
Many of you know that I am absolutely the guy on the left in this cartoon. I’m sometimes called “Tigger” because I jump out of bed, grab my coffee and then I start my day like it’s my last day on earth. I get so excited to work with all of you that I can’t wait to turn on my computer and start looking at email to see how you continue to “wow” our clients – and me.
People ask why I love what I do so much and why I’m so positive. I think my attitude gets set to “positive” at the beginning of the day as I read about the successes around the company. Then it only gets better when I talk to you!
In a nutshell, I get to do what I love with people I love.
Another reason I’m so positive is that I push myself to do things I’ve never done before. I find that by challenging myself to overcome my fears (and I have tons of them) I am cooler when real pressure comes. My goal is to do at least one thing on my “Bucket List” every year.
One of my big milestones this summer (besides turning 60!) was that I realized my dream of playing a real theater with the Bucket Band Philly instead of just the small bars where we normally play. And if that wasn’t enough, I got out from behind my drums for the first time and sang in front of the band. It was so scary but now that I’ve done it! I’m really proud of myself.